There are currently 31 legendaries that can be caught in Pokémon Infinite Fusion. Excluding the Kanto legendary birds, Entei, Mew, Jirachi, and Meloetta these Pokémon can only be obtained during the post-game (outside of Randomized Mode).This page details the methods to obtain them. Warning: This page contains spoilers about the main story.Contents1 Respawning Legendaries1.1 Defeating the Pokemon Champion1.2 Clearing Mt. Silver2 Obtainable Legendaries2.1 Articuno2.2 Zapdos2.3 Moltres2.4 Mewtwo2.5 Mew2.6 Entei2.7 Raikou / Suicune2.8 Ho-Oh / Lugia2.9 Celebi2.10 Groudon2.11 Kyogre2.12 Rayquaza2.13 Regigigas2.14 Dialga / Palkia / Giratina2.15 Darkrai/Cresselia2.16 Arceus2.17 Genesect2.18 Reshiram / Zekrom2.19 Kyurem2.20 Latias / Latios2.21 Deoxys2.22 Jirachi2.23 Necrozma2.24 Meloetta3 ReferencesRespawning Legendaries[]Legendary Pokémon will disappear if defeated, caught or the player runs away. There are two ways to cause certain legendaries to respawn:Defeating the Pokemon Champion[]This...