Types of Thermometers –A thermometer is a device that detects temperature or a temperature difference (the degree of hotness or coldness of an object). A thermometer has two important components: (1) a temperature sensor (e.g., the pyrometric sensor in an infrared thermometer or the bulb of a mercury-in-glass thermometer) that fluctuates when the temperature changes, and (2) a mechanism of converting this change into a numerical value (such as the noticeable scale that is printed on a mercury-in-glass thermometer or the digital readout on an infrared model). Thermometers are frequently used to monitor processes in technology and industry, as well as in meteorology, medicine, and scientific study.Two thousand years ago, Greek philosophers were aware of some of the thermometer’s concepts. The thermometer’s “development from a crude toy to an instrument of precision occupied more than a century,” according to Henry Carrington Bolton (1900), and its early history is “encumbered with errone...