Easily used at home, neck traction devices work to relieve stressful tension due to anxiety and trauma, which interferes with proper blood circulation and nerve function. As sensitive nerves and blood vessels become constricted by a pinching or squeezing effect, symptoms like neck and shoulder pain, tingling or numbness into the arm(s) or hand(s), and even headaches can result.Relief Of Pain With Neck TractionNeck traction can help with relief of pain, decrease pressure on nerves and ease muscle spasms. The newest neck stretching devices can help increase blood circulation to the structures of the cervical spine, helping oxygen flow to muscles, nerves, tendons as well as ligaments and this can increase energy, decrease pain while promoting relaxing relief, reduced pressure and tension.Increased muscle tension constricts blood vessels and nerves causing a release of inflammatory chemicals which create further irritation, tension and pain. Relieving this pressure may assist in alleviatio...