Stage 2 Breast Cancer: What to Expect
Stage 2 breast cancer survival rates are high and with the right treatment, the outlook is very good. Stage 2 breast cancer means your tumor is at least 1 centimeter (cm) in size and has spread to lymph nodes. Treatment of stage 2 breast cancer usually includes surgery (either a lumpectomy or mastectomy), and adjuvant chemotherapy (therapy after the initial treatment) is often recommended. Radiation therapy is needed after a lumpectomy, but may or may not be needed after a mastectomy. This article discusses the diagnosis and treatment of stage 2 breast cancer. It also looks at survival rates for people who are diagnosed at this stage. Overview Stage 2 breast cancer is considered invasive, meaning that cancer cells have broken out of the ducts or lobules of the breast. This is not the same as metastatic (stage 4) breast cancer. It means that abnormal cells have passed through a thin layer of tissue called the basement membrane and have the potential to spread.3:01Breast Cancer Treatment...