Contents1 What is"BodySlide"2 Outfit/Body - The key to Bodyslide3 Sliders and Presets4 Groups5 Building NIFs/Models6 Quick Setup7 Adding PhysicsWhat is"BodySlide"Bodyslide an application often packaged alongside Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer (CBBE). It allows users to customize the bodies of females in Skyrim. CBBE is a Skyrim mod that accomplishes does a number of things, but mostly it:1. Replaces all the skin textures of the stock NPC models.2.Replaces the default shape of what female NPCs look like. This goes beyond simply what their skin texture looks like but how large their shoulders, hips, and 'endowments' are. And even more importantly this can all be modified in CBBE's partner program, BodySlide.By itself CBBE does a lot - namely replacing skin textures and changing the default female NPCs bodies to whatever you chose in the install. But Bodyslide lets you customize body proportions yourself. Bodyslide is a separate application/program that you use outside a game to cha...