Lesson Planning for Successful LearningBenjamin Franklin said, “If You Fail to Plan, You Are Planning to Fail.” Therefore, it’s crucial for teachers to plan ahead of time to ensure the successful delivery of the lesson. Lesson planning is vital since it guides teachers to maximize the teaching-learning process in the classroom.This includes choosing a course of action that will enable students to successfully complete the set learning objectives. Additionally, lesson planning informs students about what they will study and how they will be evaluated. It allows teachers to organize the content, materials, time, teaching strategies, and learning environment of the classroom.But what makes an efficient and effective lesson plan?Must-Haves for an Efficient and Effective Lesson Plan1. Determined and Well-Crafted Lesson Objectivesa. Always remember to write a SMART objective.Lesson plans should always be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Start with identifying what...