Table of ContentsDisplacer Beast Stat BlockWhat Is a Displacer Beast?Running a Displacer BeastDisplacer Beast Stat Block[custom_shortcodes]The multiverse is an incredibly dangerous place. As an adventurer, your worries aren’t limited to pit traps and undead. There are many terrifying creatures that kill for little more than the pleasure it brings them.One such creature is the Displacer Beast, a vicious predator based on a black panther. As you’ll learn throughout this article though, these monstrosities are more than just large cats.What Is a Displacer Beast?A displacer beast may resemble a large panther, but its predatory instincts are far more attuned than any cat you’ll come across. Six muscular legs and a set of barbed tentacles would be enough to fear, but these creatures also have the unique ability to displace light, making them appear to be several feet away from their actual locations.Just from the start, I’m going to let you know that I have some serious problems with that st...