ARBĀB ROSTAM GĪVCross-ReferenceSee GĪV.Battle between Rostam and Sohrāb, Themusic sampleAKVĀN-E DĪVDJ. Khaleghi-Motlaghthe demon Akvān, who was killed by Rostam in the Šāh-nāma.GOŠASB BĀNUDjalal Khaleghi-Motlaghor Bānu Gošasb; entitled savār (knight), Rostam’s daughter and the wife of Gēv.HORMOZD IIA. Shapur ShahbaziSasanian great king (r. 303-09 CE). He assumed a crown very similar to that of Bahrām II, representing the varəγna, the royal falcon.BABR-E BAYĀNDj. Khaleghi-Motlagh(or babr, also called palangīna), in the traditional history, the name of the coat which Rostam wore in combat.AŠKBŌSDj. Khaleghi-Motlagha Turanian hero from Kašān or Košān in the story of “Kāmūs-e Kašānī,” in the Šāh-nāma.ḴAṬIB ROSTAM DEDEOsman G. ÖzgüdenliOttoman Sufi, writer, and poet, author of theWasila al-maqāṣed elā aḥsan al-marāṣed, a Persian-Turkish dictionary.DEŽ-E SAFĪDAḥmad Tafażżolīlit. "white fortress"; Iranian fortress located near the border with Tūrān and conquered by Sohrāb, son of the Iranian...