1. Garden Cloche - Official Feed The Beast Wiki - FandomThe Garden Cloche is a machine added by Immersive Engineering. It is used to grow crops placed in it. Right-clicking it will open its GUI.The Garden Cloche is a machine added by Immersive Engineering. It is used to grow crops placed in it. Right-clicking it will open its GUI (Graphical User Interface). In the GUI, the top of the central two slots is where a seed can be placed, and below that the block that the seed grows on can be placed (usually Dirt). In order to grow, Water and Redstone Flux (RF) are required; Water can be input through the lower front, back, or bottom ports, and RF can be input through the top, or through the See details › 2. Cloche – Le Minecraft Wiki - FandomLes cloches (nom anglais : bells) sont des blocs qui produisent un son métallique lorsqu'ils sont utilisés. Les cloches requièrent une pioche pour être ...Les cloches (nom anglais : bells) sont des blocs qui produisent un son métallique lorsqu'ils sont u...