They’re the rage; they’re glamorous; they’re convenient; they can be expensive.Magnetic lashes are all the above, and more. Once niche, now mainstream, magnetics have spawned a bevy of brands ranging from $20 to $200 and beyond.So… What’s the Catch?Well, it’s the same trap as every cosmetic formula and procedure. There’s the real deal, there are knock-offs, and there are deluxe versions that may or may not be any better than their lower-cost counterparts.What’s at stake is your pocketbook, of course. But more importantly, the health of your natural lashes and your eyes. You don’t want to compromise either. Face it, there are horror stories doing the social media rounds about magnetic lashes gone wrong.So, how do you choose ‘the right’ magnetic lashes?Start Here, Please!Ask yourself: are your real lashes in good enough condition to handle the stress of false lashes… not only the tugging and pulling, but also chemical stress from the glues and glue removers used for traditional false las...