National Provider Identifier (NPI)8003 Brewerton Rd, Cicero, NY 13039-9528Overview Wellnow Urgent Care, PC is a Urgent Care Clinic/Center (organization) practicing in Cicero, New York. The National Provider Identifier (NPI) is #1164908745, which was assigned on July 17, 2018, and the registration record was last updated on March 5, 2021. The practitioner's main practice location is at 8003 Brewerton Rd, Cicero, NY 13039-9528; the contact telephone number is 3152884006, and the fax number is 3152884750. The primary taxonomy of Wellnow Urgent Care, PC is Urgent Care Clinic/Center (261QU0200X), with specialization in Urgent Care. The authorized official for Wellnow Urgent Care, PC is Dr. John Radford (Director Recenue Cycle Management). Provider Information NPI 1164908745 Entity Type Organization Organization Name WELLNOW URGENT CARE, PC Provider Name WELLNOW URGENT CARE, PC Other Organization Name WELLNOW URGENT CARE(Doing Business As Name) Other Name WELLNOW URGENT CARE Practice Address...