1. IntroductionLumbar disc herniation is a common spinal issue that can cause significant discomfort, including lower back pain, radiating leg pain (often called sciatica), and a variety of nerve-related symptoms. Among the different stages of disc herniation, lumbar disc extrusion is one of the more severe forms. Patients often wonder when a small herniation (such as a 3mm or 4mm disc extrusion) becomes more serious or if a larger extrusion (like 7mm) always warrants urgent medical attention.In this comprehensive guide, we will clarify the terminology used to describe herniated discs—specifically bulging, protruding, and extruded discs—and explain the significance of extrusion size. We will also discuss how different lumbar levels (L3-L4, L4-L5, L5-S1) influence symptoms, when to consult a healthcare professional, and what treatment options are available. By the end of this article, you will have a clearer understanding of when a disc extrusion becomes serious and how to manage this c...