What would your ancient ancestress say if she knew you could now put lightning energy into your pocket and merrily skip along your way, using this power whenever you wish to boost collagen, lift, tone, and rejuvenate the face? Well... probably "What's a pocket?." The second question. If you've never used a microcurrent device, the concept of deliberately running electricity through your face might seem a ridiculously dangerous and painful idea of a mad woman. However, a microcurrent facial treatment (as the “micro” part of its name suggests) uses very low-energy current to get the job done and is always used with a conductive medium, such as a conductive serum or a gel, for the ultimate comfort of use. If you already know a bit about the microcurrent facial toning device market, you also know there are a lot of options to choose from and may feel like you're trapped, wandering through a house of mirrors, not being able to find a way out and your perceptions distorted by various claims...