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Новости за 17.07.2015

Accounting probe may pressure Toshiba to write down Westinghouse


TOKYO (Reuters) - Toshiba Corp is set to overhaul its management after an investigation into its accounting practices concludes early next week, but a more thorough housecleaning, including a writedown on its Westinghouse nuclear business, may be needed to regain confidence amid Japan's biggest corporate scandal in five years.

Despite nuke deal, anti-US chants erupt in Iranian capital


The main prayer service in the Iranian capital has been interrupted by repeated chants of "Death to America" - despite this week's landmark nuclear deal with world powers that was welcomed by authorities in Tehran.

Delhi cops facing brunt of angry motorists; four cops beaten up in the national capital in just one week

«Motoroids» (motoroids.com) 

You can rely upon law enforcement to protect you from a threat, but who would protect them when they themselves are at the receiving end of violence? It seems like policemen in Delhi are having a difficult time handling errant traffic violators. As many as four Delhi traffic cops were severely beaten up on two different occasions […]

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China's Xi visits sensitive North Korean border area


BEIJING (Reuters) - Chinese President Xi Jinping has visited a sensitive border area with North Korea populated by ethnic Koreans, state media said on Friday, amid tension over the North's disputed nuclear programme and killings blamed on North Korean troops.

Лениногорскида төче чия (черешня) арзанайды

«Заман сулышы» 

Хәзер кибеттән аны 157 сумга алырга була, баллы һәм тәмле җимеш.

Әле бер атна гына элек ул 230 сумнар тирәсе тора иде, сатучылар аның өлгерү вакыты җитү белән аңлаталар. Ул Азия һәм Кавказ якларында үсә, бик файдалы үзлекләргә ия булуы белән аерылып тора.
Черешняның файдасы:
- гемоглобинны күтәрә
-кандагы холестиринны төшерә
-подагра,  ревматизм, артрит булганда авыртуны баса
-эч катуны бетерә һ. башка файдалы үзлекләргә ия

Palmetto Sunrise: Columbia prepares for KKK rally

The Post and Courier 

COLUMBIA — A week after elected officials lowered the Statehouse’s Confederate battle flag, state and local law enforcement are preparing for a visit from a North Carolina-based chapter of the Ku Klux Klan.

Diverging stock indexes pave uneven recovery for Japan Inc


TOKYO (Reuters) - The diverging performance of Japan's benchmark Nikkei stock average and the broader Topix is a reminder that corporate Japan is not all equally riding the wave of optimism sparked by "Abenomics" yet.

Новости России

Сеть клиник «Будь Здоров» приняла участие в VK Fest в Санкт-Петербурге

Wenger expects 'cohesive' squad to mount title challenge


SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Manager Arsene Wenger believes Arsenal have a strong enough squad to challenge for a first Premier League title since 2004 with back-to-back FA Cup victories in the last two seasons bringing a winning mentality to the side.

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