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World News

Новости за 30.12.2015

Global growth will be disappointing in 2016 - IMF's Lagarde


BERLIN (Reuters) - Global economic growth will be disappointing next year and the outlook for the medium-term has also deteriorated, the head of the International Monetary Fund said in a guest article for German newspaper Handelsblatt published on Wednesday.

Капиталь төзекләндерү өчен взносларга ташламалар ясала

«Зәй офыклары» 

Россия Президенты Владимир Путин күпфатирлы йортларга капиталь төзекләндерү өчен каралучы түләү взносларыннан  өлкән кешеләрне, инвалидларны өлешчә азат итү, ташламалар ясау турындагы законга кул куйды. Әлеге закон буенча 80 һәм аннан югары яшьтәге ялгыз яшәүче өлкән кешеләргә  торак-коммуналь хезмәтләре өчен түләү счетларындагы капиталь төзекләндерү графасы юкка чыгарыла. Ә 70 яшькә җиткән ялгыз өлкән кешеләргә 50 процент ташлама ясала. Шулай ук I һәм II группа инвалидларга, инвалид балалар... Читать дальше...

Садриевлар гаиләсе якут туйларын билгеләп үтте

«Заман сулышы» 

Шушы көннәрдә  Садриев Исмәгыйль Әюпович һәм  Әклия Каримовна 45 ел бергә гомер итүләрен билгеләп үттеләр. Бу көнне алар ЗАГС бүлегендә Мактау китабына имзаларын куйдылар, бүлек хезмәткәрләре аларны котлап, юбилей таныклыгын тапшырды.

Садриевлар гаиләсе якут туйларын билгеләп үтте

«Заман сулышы» 

Шушы көннәрдә  Садриев Исмәгыйль Әюпович һәм  Әклия Каримовна 45 ел бергә гомер итүләрен билгеләп үттеләр. Бу көнне алар ЗАГС бүлегендә Мактау китабына имзаларын куйдылар, бүлек хезмәткәрләре аларны котлап, юбилей таныклыгын тапшырды.

Iraq PM plants flag in Ramadi


The Iraqi prime minister's media office issues photos of him visiting Ramadi and planting the national flag after its recapture from IS militants. Rough cut (no reporter narration).

Iraq PM plants flag in Ramadi


The Iraqi prime minister's media office issues photos of him visiting Ramadi and planting the national flag after its recapture from IS militants. Rough cut (no reporter narration).

Iraq PM plants flag in Ramadi


The Iraqi prime minister's media office issues photos of him visiting Ramadi and planting the national flag after its recapture from IS militants. Rough cut (no reporter narration).

Iraq PM plants flag in Ramadi


The Iraqi prime minister's media office issues photos of him visiting Ramadi and planting the national flag after its recapture from IS militants. Rough cut (no reporter narration).

Iraq PM plants flag in Ramadi


The Iraqi prime minister's media office issues photos of him visiting Ramadi and planting the national flag after its recapture from IS militants. Rough cut (no reporter narration).

Guinea declared free of Ebola virus that killed over 2,500


CONAKRY (Reuters) - Guinea was declared free of Ebola transmission on Tuesday after more than 2,500 people died from the virus in the West African nation, leaving Liberia as the only country still counting down the days until the end of the epidemic.

Guinea declared free of Ebola virus that killed over 2,500


CONAKRY (Reuters) - Guinea was declared free of Ebola transmission on Tuesday after more than 2,500 people died from the virus in the West African nation, leaving Liberia as the only country still counting down the days until the end of the epidemic.

App differentiates a baby's crying sounds


A Taiwanese research team has invented a new mobile application designed to differentiate between the varying sounds a baby makes when crying. Nathan Frandino reports.

App differentiates a baby's crying sounds


A Taiwanese research team has invented a new mobile application designed to differentiate between the varying sounds a baby makes when crying. Nathan Frandino reports.

Manchester City's Kompany out for at least a month - Pellegrini


(Reuters) - Manchester City are looking at another month without captain Vincent Kompany after the defender suffered a second degree tear in his calf during Saturday's 4-1 Premier League win over Sunderland, manager Manuel Pellegrini has confirmed.

Novo Banco says meets capital requirements after bond transfer


LISBON, Dec 30 (Reuters) - Novo Banco, the 'good bank' carved out of the failed Banco Espirito Santo (BES), now meets the capital requirements of the European Central Bank after transferring a series of outstanding bonds back to BES, it said on Wednesday.

Новости России

Москва и Петербург лидируют по уровню зарплат для IT-специалистов

India says expects Westinghouse reactor deal in 2016


NEW DELHI, Dec 30 (Reuters) - India confirmed on Wednesday that it was on track to seal a deal in 2016 with Westinghouse Electric Co LLC to build six nuclear reactors, in a sign the country's $150 billion nuclear power programme is getting off the ground.

India says expects Westinghouse reactor deal in 2016


NEW DELHI, Dec 30 (Reuters) - India confirmed on Wednesday that it was on track to seal a deal in 2016 with Westinghouse Electric Co LLC to build six nuclear reactors, in a sign the country's $150 billion nuclear power programme is getting off the ground.

'Unprecedented' security for Rose Parade


Authorities in California say this year's Pasadena Rose Parade will take place amid unprecedented security following the San Bernadino shootings. Paul Chapman reports.

'Unprecedented' security for Rose Parade


Authorities in California say this year's Pasadena Rose Parade will take place amid unprecedented security following the San Bernadino shootings. Paul Chapman reports.

'Unprecedented' security for Rose Parade


Authorities in California say this year's Pasadena Rose Parade will take place amid unprecedented security following the San Bernadino shootings. Paul Chapman reports.

'Unprecedented' security for Rose Parade


Authorities in California say this year's Pasadena Rose Parade will take place amid unprecedented security following the San Bernadino shootings. Paul Chapman reports.

Спорт в России и мире

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