Complaints from film fans over the use of artificial intelligence (AI) has led Prince Charles Cinema in London to cancel the premiere of The Last Screenwriter. Zurich director Peter Luisi criticised the lack of willingness to engage in debate over AI. The premiere of The Last Screenwriter by Peter Luisi, who also directed the comedy Bon Schuur Ticino, should have taken place a few days ago at the Prince Charles Cinema in London. However, following strong reactions and complaints, the cinema decided to cancel the premiere. At issue, was Luisi’s use of AI to write the screenplay. Do you want to read our weekly top stories? Subscribe here. “From the beginning, I knew that this was a controversial topic at a sensitive time and that it would not leave people unscathed,” Luisi said in an interview with the Keystone-SDA news agency. Nevertheless, he was surprised by what happened, and the intensity of the feedback. It has been a year since the potential risks of AI were the focus of the ...