More than 100,000 passengers per day used Zurich Airport during the first holiday weekend in canton Zurich. According to the airport, waiting times at security checks decreased. Check out our selection of newsletters. Subscribe here. Last year, the long queues at security control were still a constant issue due to staff shortages. Now these are back to the "usual quality level", a spokeswoman for Zurich Airport said on Monday. + Swiss continue to rely on traditional holiday destinations The airport is also expecting large numbers of passengers over the remaining summer holiday weekends. Whether a record was broken with the more than 200,000 at the weekend remains to be seen. Zurich Airport will not publish the exact figures for July until mid-August. The previous daily record from July 2019 was 115,000 passengers. According to the media spokesperson, there were no major incidents at the weekend. As the flying weather was ideal, there were also no major delays. Translated from ...