An investigation by Swiss public television, RTS, has put the spotlight on Switzerland's meat lobby and its attempts to influence climate policy by downplaying the role of livestock farming in global warming. Who is the meat lobby? At first glance, only two parliamentarians are directly linked to the industry’s two main umbrella organisations: Proviande, which represents major producers and distributors like Migros and Coop, and the Union Professionnelle Suisse de la Viande (Swiss Meat Trade Association), the political arm of the meat industry. However, an investigation by Swiss public television, RTS, uncovered far more extensive connections. Based on publicly available data, a well-established network was revealed, linking 27 agricultural organisations and businesses, particularly those involved in meat production, with 16 members of parliament. Additionally, there are indirect ties to two other parliamentarians. CHF10 billion in sales “The meat industry is well represented in ...