Affiliate Links WTH? Why are you still there?!You’ve tried everything. You’re washing your face 10 times a day and scrubbing it like there’s no tomorrow, but your acne just. Won’t. Budge.Even popping those damn pimples won’t work. For every one you kill, two more spring up. It’s a curse!Being harsh on your skin isn’t working. Why not be kind to it instead?Acne may be clinging stubbornly to your skin, but when you try too hard to get rid of it, you’re actually creating the perfect environment for it to thrive.Here are 5 common acne mistakes you’re making without knowing it (and what to do instead):Table Of ContentsAcne Mistake #1:You’re Popping Your PimplesAcne Mistake #2: You’re Washing Your Face Too MuchAcne Mistake #3: You’re Using Physical ExfoliantsAcne Mistake #4: You’re Not Using A MoisturizerAcne Mistake #5: You’re Skipping SunscreenAcne Mistake #1:You’re Popping Your PimplesDon’t pop your pimples. Don’t pick at your pimples. Don’t touch your pimples. Capisce?Look, I get it. Pop...