Here’s my notes and audio for a sermon I preached on Ephesians 3:20-21 “To God be the Glory” at Cross of Christ Fellowship.“To God be the Glory!” (Eph 3:20-21)Intro: Within every human heart is a longing for glory.-We desire that which is greater than us, which is transcends, which deserves our attention and reverence.-Our Country: famous athletes, musicians, movie stars, politicians-Suburbs: remodeled kitchens, vacation homes, fit bodies, perfect yards, children’s success-Bible affirms and reorients our desire for glory.-Affirms: You were made to glory in something.-Reorients: Only God is TRULY worthy of the glory.-Today’s passage leads us back to this biblical perspective: to God be the glory! *To God be the glory: a God of limitless power and matchless worth.CONTEXT:-Paul’s prayer (Eph 3:14-19)-End of the prayer: a doxology.-Main idea: to God be the glory!-2 Supporting ideas: 1. A God of limitless power; 2 A God of...