Frosts with further decrease: Weather in Astana and Almaty for 3 days - Forecasters told what the weather will be like in Astana and Almaty in the next three days.
Weather forecast in Astana
December 6 in Astana is expected to be partly cloudy, with occasional snow, drifting snow. Southwest wind changing to northwest 9-14 meters per second. Air temperature at night and during the day 3-5 degrees below zero.
December 7 partly cloudy, with occasional snow, drifting snow. North, northwest wind 5-10 meters per second. Air temperature at night and during the day 9-11 degrees below zero.
December 8 partly cloudy, no precipitation. Northwest wind 5-10 meters per second. Air temperature at night 17-19, during the day 11-13 degrees below zero.
Weather forecast in Almaty
December 6 in Almaty will be partly cloudy, no precipitation. East wind 2-7 meters per second. Air temperature at night 2-4 degrees below zero, during the day 3-5 degrees above zero.
December 7 partly cloudy, no precipitation. East wind 2-7 meters per second. Air temperature at night 2-4 degrees below zero, during the day 1-3 degrees above zero.
December 8 variable cloudiness, occasional snow. East wind 2-7 meters per second. Air temperature at night and during the day 3-5 degrees below zero, during the day with further decrease.
Earlier, forecasters published an advisory weather forecast for the winter of 2024/2025, according to which residents of Kazakhstan can expect "temperature swings" with sharp changes and difficult weather conditions.