Martin Haefner, owner of the car importer Amag and one of Switzerland's richest citizens, has set up a foundation with his wife Marianne. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox The non-profit Martin+Marianne Haefner Foundation based in Zurich is part of their succession planning, Haefner spokesperson Aloys Hirzel told the news agency AWP on Tuesday confirming an earlier article in the Luzerner Zeitung. "The foundation will one day hold all company shares," said Hirzel. However, this will only be the case when neither of them is still alive, the newspaper said. "The assets of the Haefner couple, including the company holdings, will only be held by the foundation after the death of the two founders," Hirzel stressed. Martin Haefner will be 70 years old in 2024. In addition to Amag, the former mathematics teacher owns shares in industrial companies such as Swiss Steel, Autoneum and Rieter. For charitable purposes According to the commercial register, the ...