Swiss agriculture spared from austerity cuts
Swiss agriculture will be spared the government's austerity measures from 2026 to 2029. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox On Monday the Senate approved two committee motions to increase a federal decree by CHF361 million ($404 million) with clear majorities. The two chambers have thus decided that Swiss agriculture will receive around CHF14.2 billion over the next four years – the same amount as in 2022-2025. The government wanted to reduce the contributions by 1.6% compared to today because agriculture also had to make a contribution to the recovery of the federal budget. This is what the government said when it presented the federal resolution last year. + Why Swiss farmers are rising in protest However, the tenor of the majority in parliament was that federal expenditure had increased in many areas in recent years – but not in agriculture. It was thus wrong to make savings for farmers, they said. Translated from German by DeepL/ts How we work This news ...