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World News in Arabic

Новости за 02.12.2024

روسيا.. تطوير سترة لتدفئة الغواصين

RT Arabic 

تمكن الخبراء في جامعة تومسك الحكومية الروسية لأنظمة التحكم والإلكترونيات الراديوية "TUSUR" من تطوير سترة مخصصة لتدفئة الغواصين.

ما خطورة إصابة البالغين بالحصبة؟

RT Arabic 

يشير الدكتور فلاديمير نيرونوف أخصائي الأمراض المعدية إلى أنه يمكن أن يصاب الأطفال والكبار بالحصبة، ولكن الإصابة بالمرض بعد سن الثلاثين خاصة قد يؤدي إلى مضاعفات خطيرة.

Kuwait Crown Prince Congratulates Barbados On Independence Day

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)) KUWAIT, Dec 2 (KUNA) -- His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah sent a cable Monday to the President of Barbados, Sandra Mason, ...

Kuwait Amir Congratulates Barbados On Independence Day

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)) KUWAIT, Dec 2 (KUNA) -- His Highness the Amir Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah sent a cable Monday to the President of Barbados, Sandra Mason, ...

Kuwait PM Congratulates Barbados On Independence Day

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - Kuwait News Agency (KUNA)) KUWAIT, Dec 2 (KUNA) -- His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Ahmad Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah sent a cable Monday to the President of Barbados, Sandra ...

Cyclone Fengal Toll Rises To 20 In South Asia

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - The Peninsula) AFP Colombo: The death toll from Cyclone Fengal's fierce push through Sri Lanka and southern India reached 20 on Monday as downpours ...

Katara To Host European Jazz Festival

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - The Peninsula) QNA Doha, Qatar: The Cultural Village Foundation (Katara) is organising the eighth edition of the Katara European Jazz Festival ...

Old Doha Port Hosts Seabed Cleaning Initiative

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - The Peninsula) The Peninsula Doha, Qatar: The Old Doha Port successfully hosted the second edition of its annual Seabed Cleaning Initiative ...

Новости России

Социальный фонд упрощает работодателям возмещение затрат на охрану труда

Preparatory Programme On Marriage Ends

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - The Peninsula) QNA Dohe, Qatar: The Family Consulting Centre (Wifaq) has capped off the 38th season of its preparatory programme for those about to ...

Saudi Minister Of State Meets Qatari Ambassador

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - The Peninsula) QNA Minister of State and member of the Council of Ministers of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia H R H Prince Turki bin Mohammed bin Fahd ...

'National Cyber Drill Vital In Addressing Loopholes'

Middle East North Africa Financial Network 

(MENAFN - The Peninsula) QNA Doha, Qatar: Head of National Cyber Initiatives Assurance Department at the National Cyber Security Agency (NCSA), Mohammed ...

Спорт в России и мире

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