More spending on the army, defence cooperation with NATO and a revision of the neutrality policy: this is what a group of experts has recommended to the Swiss government. It has formulated 100 recommendations for a "future-oriented security policy". +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox The commission set up by the defence ministry a year ago published its 68-page final report on Thursday. In it, the commission makes over 100 recommendations in seven areas on how a future-oriented security policy could be structured. For example, the commission calls for the army to focus more on its defence capabilities and for the defence budget to be increased to 1% of gross domestic product by 2030. + Swiss army chief wants to refocus on defence It also recommends relaxing the ban on the re-export of Swiss weapons to certain countries. The report is intended to provide impetus for the Security Policy Strategy 2025, on which the defence ministry has just begun work.