Can a knee brace ease arthritis pain? - Harvard Health
Knee braces might be known best for their benefits after knee surgery: they align and stabilize the joint, giving it time to heal properly. But braces might also help you cope with the pain, swelling, and stiffness of knee osteoarthritis—the wearing away of the cartilage that cushions the ends of the bones where they meet in the joint. While evidence about how well braces ease arthritis symptoms is mixed, bracing is a noninvasive strategy that won't hurt to try. The key is understanding your goals for relief. Here are three brace types to consider. A knee sleeve One common knee brace is called a sleeve. It's a compressive, stretchy fabric or neoprene tube that you pull over or wrap around your knee. The sleeve extends about six inches above and below the joint. The snug fit offers many potential benefits: warmth, which loosens up a stiff knee; a sense of support (though it doesn't provide structural support), which might make you feel more confident as you walk; reduced swelling, which...