Weather forecast for Astana this weekend - Kazhydromet has released the weather forecast for Astana for the upcoming weekend and Monday.
Astana weather forecast
February 15: Partly cloudy skies with occasional light snow and drifting snow. A southwesterly wind will blow at 7-12 m/s. Night temperatures will drop to -9 to -11°C, while daytime temperatures will range from -4 to -6°C.
February 16: Partly cloudy conditions will persist, with occasional light snow and drifting snow. Ice formation is expected during the day. The southwesterly wind will intensify to 9-14 m/s. Temperatures will fall to -13 to -15°C at night and hover between -3 and -5°C during the day.
February 17: Partly cloudy skies are forecast with no precipitation. The southwesterly wind will blow at 9-14 m/s, with gusts reaching 15-20 m/s and occasionally hitting 23 m/s during the day. Temperatures will range from -9 to -11°C at night and -3 to -5°C during the day.
Previously, Kazhydromet meteorologists released a weather forecast for Kazakhstan on February 15, 16, and 17.
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