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Новости за 08.02.2016

Chipotle urges workers to stay home if they're sick

«La Crosse Tribune» (lacrossetribune.com) 

NEW YORK (AP) — Chipotle repeatedly told employees they need to stay home if they feel sick and the restaurant chain kept all its U.S. locations shuttered early Monday as executives went over …

Harold C. Creswell, Jr.: Korean War vet began as sweeper, retired as VP

Stars and Stripes 

Harold C. Creswell, Jr., a Marine veteran who after his service in the Korean War joined Haughton Elevators as a sweeper and rose to the rank of vice president of manufacturing, died of cancer Friday at Hospice of Northwest Ohio in Perrysburg Township.

Omgewaaide boom blokkeert weg in Enschede


ENSCHEDE - Een boom aan de Buursestraat is maandagavond omgevallen en op de weg terechtgekomen. De weg was door de gevallen boom volledig geblokkeerd. Brandweerlieden hebben de gevallen boom in stukken gezaagd en van de straat verwijderd. De oorzaak was vermoedelijk een flinke windstoot. Er is niemand gewond geraakt.

Bernie Sanders on Sexist Commenters: I Don’t Want That Support


[wsj-responsive-image P="http://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-ML827_Sander_P_20160205083034.jpg" J="http://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-ML827_Sander_J_20160205083034.jpg" M="http://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-ML827_Sander_M_20160205083034.jpg" caption="Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders debates former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the University of New Hampshire in Durham, N.H., Feb. 4. Credit: Mike Segar/Reuters" credit="Reuters" placement="Header" ]Sen. Читать дальше...

4 Reasons Financial Wellness Is Important in the Workplace

The Huffington Post 

Traditional views of wellness focus on exercise and nutrition. And frankly, if everyone ate and exercised perfectly, life would be better for all of us. But counting steps, joining exercise challenges and eating healthy lunches are so much harder when we're stressed about money. It's time to take a look at the relationship between financial wellness and overall well-being.

Here are a few reasons why financial wellness is a critical part of employee well-being:


Vegas Play of the Day: Louisville at Duke

Las Vegas Sun (lasvegassun.com) 

Everyone enjoyed Duke’s tumble last month that included losses both straight-up and against the spread in four of five games. ...

15 Ted Cruz quotes


Known for his Christian values and staunch conservatism, Texas Senator Ted Cruz does not mince words

More airmen coming to Sheppard AFB

Stars and Stripes 

In the 2016 Fiscal Defense Budget, signed into effect by President Barack Obama in December, the Air Force will add about 6,600 airmen, including 4,020 active-duty personnel, 2,100 to the Air Force Reserve and 500 to the Air National Guard.

O saldırının ardından da PKK çıktı


İstanbul Küçükçekmece’de bir kıraathanenin taranması sonucu 2 kişinin ölümüyle sonuçlanan saldırının ayrıntıları belli oldu.Devamı için tıklayınız

Новости России

Отделение СФР по Москве и Московской области назначило единое пособие родителям с детьми до 17 лет и беременным женщинам с учетом новых правил

Спорт в России и мире

Новости спорта

Новости тенниса

Мирра Андреева покинула топ-10 рейтинга WTA, оставшись первой ракеткой России

В Реутове с наступающим праздником поздравили тысячу женщин

Более 70 председателей МКД поучаствовали в выездной администрации в Щелкове

В Подмосковье установили штраф за несоблюдение требований к содержанию питомцев

Самым активным читателем Подмосковья стал 6-классник Николай Хромов из Егорьевска