Haven buying spurs gold to 8-month peak
Yellow metal has risen more than 11% this year as other commodities slide
Yellow metal has risen more than 11% this year as other commodities slide
When the work's piling up, during an essay writing session or just before that crucial job application deadline, distractions are the worst. From aimlessly surfing Facebook, to quickly checking Twitter just one last time, 21st century tech sometimes feels like an endless sea of time sinks. Fortunately, help is at hand. There is a range of Chrome extensions, Mac apps and Windows add-ons that block out the noise and help keep you on track. Here are six of the best ways to stay focused. StayFocusd (Google... Читать дальше...
The rare event was rather underwhelming; now staff members are coaxing the plant into a more impressive bloom.
Rotherham United sack manager Neil Redfearn after just 21 games in charge, with the team 22nd in the Championship.
Alarm in the US and elsewhere grows over illness’s spread
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — The Latest on the influx of migrants into Europe (all times local):
Turkish coast guard officials say they have recovered the bodies of five more migrants, raising to 27 the death toll in the latest boat sinking accident off the Turkish coast. A coast guard statement said a search-and-rescue mission, backed by helicopters, was still underway for other migrants reported missing after a boat carrying them to the Greek island of Lesbos went down in the Bay of Edremit on Monday. Hungary's prime minister says Western European leaders who consider migration a positive... Читать дальше...
High Court finds Sergei Pugachev has breached court orders
Almanya Başbakanı Angela Merkel ile ortak basın toplantısı düzenleyen Başbakan Ahmet Davutoğlu, bireysel ve basın özgürlüğüyle ilgili Türkiye'yi suçlayan yargılarla soran Die Welt muhabirine adeta ders...Devamı için tıklayınız
A group of 12 men who sexually exploited a vulnerable teenage girl in West Yorkshire receive jail sentences of up to 20 years.
– Cif Olusegun Obasanjo ya jadada wanda ya kamata da fara yaki da rashawa daga sama – Cif Obasanjo ya kira ga Shugaba Muhammadu Buhari daya fara yaki da cin hanci da rashawa daga da kansa da mataimakin shi da shugaban majalisar dattawa da kakakin majalisar wakilai – Tsohon shugaban Najeriya ya bayyana dalilin ya […]
Читать дальше...Şanlıurfa Emniyet Müdürlüğü ekiplerinin düzenlediği operasyonda gözaltına alınan 2'si çocuk 3 kişi, Türkiye Bedensel Engelliler Okçuluk Milli Takımı'nda yer alan S.M.'den aldıkları talimatla PKK'nın Suriye'deki...Devamı için tıklayınız
On loan Arsenal goalkeeper fails in linguistic challenge with Roma team-mates while Barcelona and Man City also welcome in the Year of the Monkey
FTSE 100 gold miner is raising its dividend despite suffering a 9pc fall in the price of the metal in 2015
Thousands of Broncos fans celebrated Denver's Super Bowl victory over the Carolina Panthers in downtown streets and amateur fireworks lit up the sky around town. Police reported some arrests but no major damage or injuries. "I've been a Broncos fan for 45 years. Way to go! What a run off for (Peyton) Manning for his last rodeo," longtime supporter ...
Alex Heath / Tech Insider
You may think of Snapchat as a way to share goofy photos and short videos with your friends, but did you know that the app has a built-in video chat feature that works like Apple's FaceTime?
It's not easy to find, and video chatting on Snapchat requires two people have the app open at the same time. But once you know how to access the hidden feature, it could change the way you use Snapchat.
Open Snapchat and go to the message window for whoever you want to video chat with. Читать дальше...
The National Iranian Oil Engineering and Construction Company (NIOEC) has started talks with six countries on buying shares and building refining facilities.
TIGARD, Ore. (AP) — Police arrested a man accused of assaulting an Uber driver and stealing his vehicle.
Russia has voluntarily notified members of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) of the snap combat readiness drills in the south of the country, head of Russia's National Nuclear Risk Reduction Center, Sergei Ryzhkov, said Monday.
The Villans do have three relegation six-pointers left, and two of those are at Villa Park with Bournemouth and Newcastle United.
NEW YORK (AP) — Apollo Education is being taken private in a $1.1 billion deal by a consortium led by private investment firm The Vistria Group.
NEW YORK (AP) — Apollo Education is being taken private in a $1.1 billion deal by a consortium led by private investment firm The Vistria Group.