CNN Responds To Cruz' Fabrications: Ted Cruz 'Knowingly Misleads' Voters
Saturday night during the ABC New Hampshire debate, Dr. Ben Carson continued to rail against Senator Ted Cruz, for using "dirty tricks" during the Iowa caucus for trying to steal his supporters by saying Caron left the campaign.
Carson questioned the Texas Senator's "Washington ethics." Ouch!
I mean, who would do something like that? Now, I don’t think anyone on this stage would do something like that. And to assume that someone would, what does that tell you? So, unfortunately, it did happen.
It gives us a very good example of certain types of Washington ethics. Washington ethics. Washington ethics basically says, if it’s legal, you do what you need to do in order to win. That’s not my ethics. My ethics is, you do what’s right.
Ted Cruz then responded to Carson by once again blaming CNN for the ruckus his campaign caused even though days ago, he admitted that CNN was right.
I reached him the next day and apologized. He asked me then, he said, Ted, would you make this apologize in public? I said, yes, I will. And I did so. I regret that subsequently, CNN reported on that -- they didn't correct that story until 9:15 that night. So from 6:30 p.m. to 9:15, that's what CNN was reporting.