HUFFPOLLSTER: Signs Of Trouble For Donald Trump In New Hampshire And Beyond
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz face considerable challenges. We face a mountain of new polling in New Hampshire. And Hillary Clinton spent more on polling in the last quarter of 2015 than most of the GOP candidates combined. This is HuffPollster for Monday, February 8, 2016.
NEW HAMPSHIRE POLLSTER WARNS TRUMP COULD BE FALTERING - Howard Fineman: "Republicans who aren’t in Donald Trump’s camp and independent polltakers and experts here are increasingly convinced that the fear-peddling billionaire is losing momentum and could even lose on Election Day. 'I’ve been convinced since day one that he would not win in the end,' said Andy Smith, the respected dean of New Hampshire polling and a teacher at the University of New Hampshire…. More than a third of voters have said they definitely would NOT vote for Trump, a very high number at the same time that there is a huge undecided vote, Smith told The Huffington Post in an interview….Though Smith's latest poll puts Trump at 28 percent and his nearest competitor -- Rubio -- at 15, Smith thinks that there is time for Trump to fall further, and perhaps for Rubio, Kasich or Cruz to catch up to him. [HuffPost]