What is the Purpose of Education?
In interviews for positions on the New York State Board of Regents, State Assembly Education chair Catherine Nolan asks candidates to share their vision for education in the state. These are my views on the purpose of education. During the interview process candidates are also asked how they will stay in contact with parents, teachers, and concerned citizens across the state. I will use my Huffington Post blog to promote open discussion that includes students. To support my nomination to the New York State Board of Regents contact Steven McCutcheon, the State Assembly Program and Counsel Staff at mccutcheons@assembly.state.ny.us.
Recent articles in the New York Times and an editorial on graduation rates raised important questions about the purpose of education. The superintendent of a high-achieving New Jersey school district located near Princeton University sent a letter to parents. He was concerned that pressure placed on the district's children to take multiple advanced classes, participate in resume building extra-curricular activities, get super-high grades, and be admitted to prestigious universities was producing extraordinary stress in young people and creating a mental health crisis in the community. In the past school year alone 120 middle and high school students were recommended for mental health assessments and forty were hospitalized. The superintendent, David Aderhold, urged a holistic, "whole child" approach to schooling that respects "social-emotional development" and "deep and meaningful learning" and not only academics achievement.