This Short Film Has Manoj Bajpayee Shaking His Booty To Nucleya
And that’s not even the best reason to watch it.
It is safe to say that Manoj Bajpayee is one of the most revered actors in Bollywood today.
Depending on which generation of Indians you belong to, you're probably a huge fan of his incredible performances in Satya or Gangs of Wasseypur. Or BOTH.
STR/AFP / Getty Images
It is also safe to say that Nucleya is one of the hottest musicians on the circuit today, with the entire nation dancing to his catchy, heavy bass tunes.
Fahama S / Via Facebook: photosbyfahama
Now, a new short film by Devashish Makhija features Bajpayee dancing like a crazy person to "Mumbai Dance" by Nucleya.
Devashish Makhija
You read that right. Manoj Bajpayee is literally shaking his damn booty.
Devashish Makhija