Here's A Look At A Day In The Life Of Comic Artists
Hint: They make a lot of comics.
Did you know that Hourly Comics Day is every February 1st?
Maritsa Patrinos / BuzzFeed
The rules are simple: Comic artists and illustrators who want to participate just draw a short comic about what they're doing for every hour they are awake.
Art by Kelly Leigh Miller, who you can follow on Tumblr and Twitter.
Kelly Leigh Miller / Via
It's a great drawing and writing exercise as well as an introspective day for artists.
If you know any comic-makers, they were probably very busy on Monday.
Andrea Hickey / BuzzFeed
It's pretty cool. Here are some more selections from the comics that artists shared this year:
Art by Jess Worby.
Jess Worby / Via