The man got a nursing job. What he does for his patients brings them back to life
The proper man’s name is Jared Axen, but patients renamed him. Presently they call him the “angel sent from heaven”! And they have a good reason for that, too.
Got a nice voice and wish to find some listeners? No need to tackle music producers. You can find your happy and thankful listeners right where you are. This young fellow got a nurse job at the hospital. He has a very nice voice and he sings along during this work hours.
Many of his patients are elderly people. There is not much attention they get and most of them lay there all day watching TV. The young nurse guy found some appreciative and grateful admirers. He spends few moments at their bed side, holding their hands and doing his best performances for these special fans of his.
They report that his singing brings them back to life and greatly encourages. Yes, surely, he could have just turned a TV on and left the room with the lonely soul in it. But he does his best to use the talent to cater to their starved hearts. He takes his job personally; he talks to people, jokes with them and sings for them. Those special moments help to sooth their pain and lift up their spirits.
High calling in life is not always carried out in high places. Even a humble position of a nurse at the local hospital can reveal your great talent to the fullest.
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