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"Some Days The Bomb Goes Off": A Ballerina’s Sexual Assault Battle


On a snowy Sunday in January, in a nondescript room inside a community center in the small, quintessential New England town of Dover, New Hampshire, a group of ballerinas rehearse on pointe. As they lift their bodies onto their toes, their shoes stretch and creak. The dancers move across the floor, the compact material in the top of their shoes makes a dull but distinct thud each time they plant their toes. Jump, thud. Foot flex, creak. Legs shuffle, thud, thud, thud. Spin, creak, thud.

These are the sounds of ballet performed on a hard, solid floor — the kind you find in a community center, not a performance hall. The sounds are jarring, especially in comparison to the flow of the rest of their bodies, the sweeping of their arms, the circling of their legs, the way they seem to float across the room. Yet, watching from the audience of the theater, all that noise is lost, the beauty of the dance alone remains. The thuds and creaks are masked but they are present.

Lissa Curtis, 26, knows all about a dance full of creaks and thuds, and she is an expert at polishing them away for a performance. After the rehearsal, she stands to the side of the nearly empty room, a towel draped around her neck. The group of ballerinas have just finished working on a short piece about a woman who experienced sexual violence and who survived it. It is a ballet, Curtis says, about her.

The piece is about what she says happened to her over a nine-day stretch in March 2014, during an international ballet competition in Romania. She says her ballet instructor first sexually assaulted her on the plane, and then repeatedly throughout the trip. Curtis believes she was lucky to get away and on a plane back to the States.

She quickly pressed charges, but the FBI had jurisdiction and only over the international plane flight. According to Curtis, the bureau requested that the family lie low, so for nearly 18 months they privately dealt with a new, different Lissa, one who, they say, was diagnosed and living with severe PTSD.

After warning a handful of fellow dancers about what had happened and watching them return to work with her former instructor, Curtis decided to go public. She filed a civil suit against him in November of last year and she requested from the court a protective order to ensure he could not legally come near her, which it granted.

And so, Curtis now walks into courtrooms with her shoulders back and her head up, and she records interviews recounting her story in front of cameras without hesitation or flinching. She dances to help spread this message.

Curtis's journey offers insight into what it's like to go public, at a time when we see it more and more: from the woman assaulted by Brock Turner, to those who stood alongside Lady Gaga at the Oscars earlier this year, to those who came forward with allegations against Donald Trump during his presidential campaign.

Saying publicly that you were sexually assaulted can open you up to scrutiny and to the pain of having to repeatedly defend yourself from all corners against claims that you are lying or seeking attention. You also risk becoming narrowly defined not only as “the woman who was raped” but also “the resilient survivor.” You are both simultaneously what happened to you and recovered from it, too. There is no room to exist somewhere in between. To be not just a survivor, but someone who is actively surviving.

Curtis advocates on behalf of survivors through her ballet, even as that very art triggers her severe PTSD and pushes her to her mental and emotional limits. “I feel as though I live with a ticking time bomb inside my chest,” Curtis says. “Some days the bomb goes off — the flashbacks, memories, and terrifying PTSD flooding happens, which cripple me for the hours after and often the next day. Other days I just hear the tick, but it's always there, a rattling anxiety in my chest.”

Lissa Curtis prepares for rehearsal, Jan. 18, 2016.

Rachel Tine for BuzzFeed News

Curtis’s description of herself as a “survivor” is her own, her story unproven in a court of law. Cosmin Marculetiu, the executive director and co-founder of both the New England Movement Arts and the International Ballet Academy of Norwell and the man who Curtis says raped her, is legally innocent. He has not been charged with a crime, even though Curtis says he is under investigation by the FBI (something the FBI will not confirm because, they told BuzzFeed News, “in keeping with DOJ policy, the FBI can’t confirm or deny the existence of an investigation”).

Curtis has also filed a lawsuit against him in civil court; he has responded with his own countersuit for defamation saying that “the accusations of rape and abuse were untrue, amounted to material misstatement of fact, and without factual basis.” In an email sent to BuzzFeed News from Marculetiu’s lawyer, he gave the following statement: “Mr. Marculetiu categorically denies the claims made by Ms. Curtis. Mr. Marculetiu has done nothing wrong and intends to prove that in a court of law. He asks that the public not make any premature judgments until all of the evidence is presented in court.”

Curtis accompanied Marculetiu to the World Ballet Competition (WBC) in Sibiu in March 2014, in which she performed and he judged. Edra Toth, for whom Curtis dances at the Dover-based Northeastern Ballet Theatre, says “this beautiful, vibrant, wonderful young woman goes to Romania, competes” — and afterward, “what I saw sitting in front of me was this shattered, absolutely shattered young woman.”

Curtis first met Marculetiu at the end of summer 2013, when she was 23, and visited his studio to see if she'd be a good match for one of his dancers. Curtis, who’d been dancing since she was 6, was working as a professional ballerina, getting short-term contractual gigs at smaller, regional companies in the New England area and subsidizing her income by teaching Pilates.

Curtis was a talented ballerina — she had attended numerous dance schools by a young age, including the Boston Ballet, and signed her first professional contract at the age of 14 — but was not at the top tier of the ballet world. Regional companies are how Curtis and ballerinas like her make their living. Toth says her company and Marculetiu’s are “at the bottom end of the food chain” in the ballet world. Toth’s company can’t offer annual contracts but instead pays dancers for individual productions. Curtis is often the principal dancer in Northeastern Ballet Theatre’s shows. For a few months in 2013, she was also under contract for performances with Marculetiu.

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Lissa Curtis / Via facebook.com

In fall 2013, Curtis was finishing her undergraduate studies at the University of New Hampshire and training at Marculetiu’s studio. In December, she was the lead in the company’s Nutcracker performance. Come March, they were traveling together to the WBC.

Curtis says that on the flight from Boston to Munich, she fell asleep in the seat next to Marculetiu. “I woke up to his hand starting to rub me,” Curtis says. “His hands wandered down my pants and up my shirt, and I just froze.” According to Curtis, he continued until the cabin lights came on, at which point, she remembers, “he completely let go of me, released his grip on me, and he acted like everything was normal.”

From Munich, they flew to Sibiu, Romania, the site of the WBC. When they got to the hotel, Curtis says she expected to pay for her hotel room. Instead, though, “he paid for my room” and checked them both in. Afterward, he gave her a key and, she says, kept a copy for himself. “I didn’t think anything of it,” Curtis recalls.

Curtis’s voice is unwavering as she recounts what she says happened to her. This is the fourth time we have talked on the phone and, as she has done each time, she methodically lays out what she remembers, her words sure and confident. Curtis says he used that key to enter her room. He assaulted her after check-in and later that night. “I was traumatized, to say the least,” she recalls. She did not contact any of her family until the next day. “I sent a text to my mom.” It read, “I’m ok. I’m here. But can you pray for me? Something has come up, please just pray.”

Over the next two days, Curtis competed as a soloist. Each morning, she participated in a warm-up class with the other competitors. Then she got 10 minutes of scheduled stage time to practice where she would later perform. Marculetiu joined her onstage during these rehearsals, coaching her, giving her individualized corrections about such things as the position of her feet or reminding her to spot while she was turning. He was nothing but professional. But, she says, each evening, after the competition, he would use her key, enter her room, and rape her.

“From that moment on,” Curtis recalls, thinking back to her third night in Sibiu, “I was petrified.” She claims he began to talk about them both remaining in Romania indefinitely and working with the Sibiu Ballet Theater. She started to believe she might never go home.

The competition wrapped up that weekend. Curtis didn’t win anything, which was fine. She was happy to be able to perform at all given what was happening offstage. Not knowing what else to do, she remained in Romania for a few more days with Marculetiu. He continued to assault her, she says. She was barely sleeping, exhausted, stressed, and scared. On her final night, Marculetiu tried to convince her to stay but Curtis says she told him that she had to go home because she was under contract for a performance the weekend she returned. After her flight in Sibiu was canceled, Curtis took a five-hour taxi ride to Bucharest to catch a flight home. She finally landed in Boston on Thursday night, March 27, where her husband Phil, 31, was waiting.

“I just remember feeling really guilty when I saw him,” she says. The drive home was silent.

Curtis and her husband, Phil, on Jan. 18, 2016.

Rachel Tine for BuzzFeed News

It’s January 2016 and Curtis’s mother, Barb Silk, 51, is in the family’s Dover kitchen. The room has high ceilings and large windows that open onto a snow-filled backyard. Silk is often found here, standing between the counters and the island, planning dinners she can simmer in the Crock-Pot or making sandwiches for lunch for whichever of her three kids or their spouses are home in the middle of the day. Her husband, Don Silk, 51, will serve you any coffee or tea that he has on hand as long as you are willing to drink it out of a Penn State mug.

At the time, her brother, Zach, 23, and her sister, Tiffany, 21, lived in her parents’ home, along with Curtis and her husband, Phil. At any point during the day, all six of the family members might be milling about the house, making small talk about their day, playing with Curtis’s two small dogs, or discussing where everyone is off to next.

But this morning, in January, the feeling in the kitchen is more tense. The kids are all at work, and Barb is trying to recall something that happened in April 2014, weeks after her daughter returned from Romania. She gets up from the table and goes over to a desk, where she pulls out a paper calendar. She sits down, opens the calendar, and flips back until she gets to the month in question. Don is next to her, looking over her shoulder.

They remember that the first few days of her return were OK, but strange. Everyone was aware that something was wrong with Curtis; she had texted from Romania telling them that “something had come up” and asking for their prayers. Still, they assumed her behavior was related to severe jet lag.

She was dealing with acute traumatic stress that was on
its way to becoming PTSD.

Curtis played in her church’s band and performed in Toth’s company’s production of Snow White over that weekend. By Sunday night, everyone was ready to rest. Barb, though, needed answers. She cornered her daughter in a bedroom and asked what was wrong. Curtis rambled at first, but she said enough that finally Barb asked her directly if she had been raped. Curtis couldn’t answer. She hung her head and burst into tears. Barb remembers her lying on the bed, bawling.

The family immediately went into crisis mode, and they are not sure they have yet escaped it. After telling what she could of her story to her parents and husband, Curtis “was hysterical,” Barb says. “We’re not sure what to do. She’s frozen, crying, like hypersensitive [to the touch].” She wanted to sleep, so they let her. They all had yet to learn that she was dealing with acute traumatic stress that was on its way to becoming PTSD.

The next day, they asked their church’s pastors to come over. “As soon as she told us her story to the best as she could at that time,” Barb says, “it was immediate vomiting. And it was nonstop, through the night.” Curtis was dizzy and couldn’t walk, and was delirious at times. They decided to take her to the emergency room.

At the hospital, a nurse administered a rape kit. A police officer from the local PD arrived and interviewed her. The police officer was kind, Barb says, but he told them the case was out of his jurisdiction and it would have to go to the FBI. Curtis stayed overnight in the hospital; she returned home the next day but was immediately sick again. She was so weak she could no longer walk and had to be physically carried. She stayed in the hospital one more night.

“It feels like the utmost betrayal. Colleague to colleague, dancer to dancer, teacher to teacher, there’s just no excuse.”

That was early April. A few weeks later, the FBI contacted Curtis and she went to meet the agent and tell her story. She was alone in the room with the investigator and a video camera recording, no family members by her side and no lawyer, even though her father had secured a lawyer almost immediately following her return from Romania.

After the interview, Curtis says, the FBI told her family, “You’re going to be extremely frustrated with us.” The case was complicated and would take a long time to investigate. The Curtises and Silks did not realize it would be years. They heard from the FBI in February 2015, and then almost nothing until the end of that year. So far, 2016 has been much of the same.

Of the few people Curtis told, four were other dancers she considered friends who had also worked with Marculetiu, a couple of whom she had known for many years. Most of them kept dancing with Marculetiu, which was particularly painful for Curtis. “It feels like the utmost betrayal,” she says. “Colleague to colleague, dancer to dancer, teacher to teacher, there’s just no excuse.”

Curtis's on-camera interview

WMUR / Via wmur.com

That frustration pushed her to speak out in the summer of 2015. Curtis decided she should share her story publicly in order to let people know that “this ballet director and man was under federal investigation for rape,” she says.

Once she went public, her family was able to finally explain to their friends why they had all but disappeared. “Some people just thought we didn't like them anymore,” Barb says. “Even my closest friends.”

Curtis filed a civil suit in Superior Court in Massachusetts, the state where Marculetiu lives and works, in November 2015. The lawsuit makes a complaint of “rape, assault and battery, indecent assault and battery, assault with an intent to rape, intentional infliction of emotional distress, false imprisonment, [and] drugging a person for sexual intercourse.” In a counterclaim filed earlier this year, Marculetiu denies all of these charges and says he has been defamed, writing that he “has been subjected to hatred, contempt or ridicule from the public, has been caused damage to his reputation, has lost teaching or other affiliations, and has suffered severe emotional distress,” including losing his job at Dean College.

The “ridicule from the public” is possible because Curtis has pursued a wide public platform. On Nov. 23, 2015, she gave an on-camera interview in Toth's New Hampshire studio, to local news station WMUR, detailing the allegations, including the impact on her physical and mental health. On both her Twitter and Instagram bios, she describes herself as a “Principal dancer with Northeastern Ballet Theatre. Sexual assault survivor.”

Curtis with her family and friends.

Rachel Tine for BuzzFeed News

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В Королеве прошла XIII Конференция местного отделения партии «Единая Россия»

Спорт в России и мире

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Новости тенниса

Теннисист Медведев обыграл итальянца Синнера и вышел в полуфинал Уимблдона

Студентка из Коломны победила на всероссийском конкурсе курсовых работ

Астроном Рублева рассказала, как увидеть звездопад Южные Дельта-Аквариды

Администрация Лобни победила на областном конкурсе «Бюджет для граждан»

«Ведомости»: в пригородах Москвы интернет может подорожать в 4 раза