Serial Recap, Episode 1: The Story of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl
Serial is back. Here's everything you need to know until you get a chance to listen to the first episode.
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Serial is back. Here's everything you need to know until you get a chance to listen to the first episode.
Читать дальше...On Thursday, David Cameron and guests turned on the Downing Street Christmas lights
Jessica Chastain makes it a point to act in films that have women on set. Since 2008, four of Chastain's 21 features have been shot by female directors, a notably high 19 percent in an industry in which a mere 4 percent of studio films are directed by women on average. The movie she's filming right now, The Zookeeper's Wife with director Niki Caro, employs a higher percentage of women than any other set she's worked on — and, Chastain writes in her recent Hollywood Reporter essay, it makes a huge difference. Читать дальше...
La pareja posó muy feliz para los medios en la presentación de un catálogo de la firma Chocrón.
Como una “mamarrachada jurídica” catalogó Eveling de Rosales, esposa del líder político Manuel Rosales y Alcaldesa de Maracaibo, la suspensión de la audiencia preliminar al Fundador del Partido Un Nuevo Tiempo (UNT), prevista para este jueves a las 10.00 de la mañana en la ciudad de Caracas. Nota de prensa La primera autoridad de […]
This year, the refugee crisis has dominated news outlets. We have seen millions of displaced people suffering through harsh conditions, dying on sea shores, and struggling to find a place to call home away from the violence they had escaped.
Tom Fletcher, former British Ambassador to Lebanon, tweeted something last month at the Esquire Man At His Best Awards that inspired my article. Mr. Fletcher tweeted: "Start thinking about refugees as heroes not victims."
Refugees nowadays need to be inspired and empowered... Читать дальше...
<p>Um grupo de deputados opositores eleitos se comprometeu, nesta quinta-feira, a aprovar uma anistia para políticos venezuelanos presos, durante um ato em frente à cadeia onde está detido o dirigente Leopoldo López.</p><p>"Viemos à (prisão de) Ramo Verde para ratificar a Leopoldo que a lei de anistia vai acontecer e que será promulgada", disse a jornalistas Luis Florido, eleito nos comícios de domingo passado, quando a oposição conseguiu o controle total da Assembleia Nacional.</p><p>A... Читать дальше...
Говорил ли товарищ Ленин известную всем фразу о важнейшем из искусств — никому неизвестно. А нынче это покрыто сначала туманом, а затем и вовсе мраком прошедших лет. И так плотно, что этот лозунг потихоньку исчез вслед за кинотеатрами.
Читать дальше...The ongoing spat between TNCC chief E V K S Elangovan and MLA S Vijayadharani has been relegated to the backburner by the party high command till such time that the rain calamity is resolved in Tamil Nadu.
El diputado a la Asamblea Nacional por el estado Monagas, Diosdado Cabello, amenazó nuevamente a quienes no votaron a favor del chavismo en las elecciones parlamentarias. El hecho ocurrió este jueves durante la sesión ordinaria. El parlamentario recordó el voto castigo que sufrió la propuesta de Nicolás Maduro para la Asamblea Nacional, que fue desechada […]
Neither can they speak nor can they listen, but they have their own ways to express their feelings for their nation. Through sign language, physically challenged kids left the audience at Lucknow University spellbound with their song and dance performance. The occasion was a Youth Conference on Human Rights for which governor Ram Naik was the chief guest. December 10 is observed as Human Rights Day.
I remember that red lollipop like I wasn't 6 years old then and 46 now. Before being bestowed that glistening cellophane wrapped, ruby red, cherry sweet consolation prize, I was just a little kid trapped in a world of grownups who hated themselves for reasons they were too ill-equipped to identify. After, I served a very important role. I was broken, and everyone's identified project to fix. I was finally needed.
Oh, everyone had good intentions. There is certainly nothing more honorable than to repair a damaged child. Читать дальше...
The past year was enormous for the Black Lives Matter movement's protest of police brutality, with activists pushing prosecutors across the country to take excessive use of force by police more seriously and, in some cases, file charges against cops. And as Gallup found, public confidence in police has generally declined.
Читать дальше...A witness in the rape case filed against filmmaker Mahmood Farooqui has denied suggestions of him deposing falsely to save Farooqui.
Не знаю, как вы, но я только недавно узнала, что же такое на самом деле эти самые профитроли.
Читать дальше...Официальный представитель Генеральной прокуратуры России Марина Гриднева заявила, что высказывания экс-главы нефтяного гиганта ЮКОС Михаила
Two controversial new studies suggest the discovery of large objects at the outer reaches of the solar system
Michal Kovařík
10. 12. 2015 zdroj
• Asadova rodina patří k tolerantnímu islámu Alawidské orientace.
• syrské ženy mají stejná práva jako muži - na studium, zdravotnictví a vzdělávání.
• V Sýrii nejsou ženy nuceny nosit burku. Šaría (islámské právo) je protiústavní.
• Sýrie je jediná arabská země se sekulární ústavou a netoleruje islámská extremistická hnutí.
• Zhruba 10% syrského obyvatelstva patří k jedné z mnoha křesťanských denominací, ta je plně integrovaná v syrském politickém a společenském životě. Читать дальше...
The issue of gun violence in America remains raw and it’s particularly heart-wrenching for Jennifer Hudson, whose mother, brother and nephew were murdered in 2008. The singer/actress recently spoke about her role in Spike Lee’s Chi-Raq in light of her family tragedy and the heightened focus on guns.
Читать дальше...Dozorci místo tří králů, nad jesličkami nápis Cela lidem dobré vůle a v pozadí věznice Mírov. Tak vypadá betlém, který je k vidění v tachovském Muzeu Českého lesa. Jde o papírovou skládačku, již v roce 1949 vytvořil v jáchymovských uranových dolech politický vězeň Jan Nesládek.
Russell Taylor, the former director of the Jared Foundation, was sentenced to 27 years in prison on Thursday, a Department of Justice spokesman said.
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