The Death Star was a marvel of engineering, until it was destroyed by rebels (twice) in the Star Wars movies.
U.N.'s Ban says he is optimistic there will be a strong deal at the Climate Summit as deadline looms. Deborah Lutterbeck reports.
U.N.'s Ban says he is optimistic there will be a strong deal at the Climate Summit as deadline looms. Deborah Lutterbeck reports.
U.N.'s Ban says he is optimistic there will be a strong deal at the Climate Summit as deadline looms. Deborah Lutterbeck reports.
U.N.'s Ban says he is optimistic there will be a strong deal at the Climate Summit as deadline looms. Deborah Lutterbeck reports.
U.N.'s Ban says he is optimistic there will be a strong deal at the Climate Summit as deadline looms. Deborah Lutterbeck reports.
В Лос-Анджелесе объявили номинантов престижной премии в области кино "Золотой глобус". Среди лауреатов оказались Леонардо Ди Каприо, Майкл Фассбендер, Кейт Бланшетт, Мэтт Деймон, Аль Пачино и другие знаменитые актеры кино и телевидения.
Governor David Umahi of Ebonyi state has presented the 2016 budget to the state’s House of Assembly. READ ALSO: Tribunal Upholds Ebonyi Governor Electoral Victory Premium Times reports that the governor, on Wednesday, December 9, presented a whooping sum of N101.1 billion for the 2016 fiscal year. It was reported that the appropriation bill, titled: “Budget […]
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La Asamblea de Madrid ha aprobado durante el Pleno de este jueves por unanimidad la modificación de la ley de Espectáculos Públicos y Actividades Recreativas, por la que se permite la entrada de los menores a salas donde se vayan a representar estos espectáculos.
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В сотейник положить сахар, цедру, корицу, гвоздику, щепотку мускатного ореха и яблоко.
Влить вино, хорошо перемешать и оставить настаиваться на 10 минут. Читать дальше...
We see abuse in the way some companies and people use the DMCA takedown process all the time. Those stories typically range from anywhere between mildly frustrating to truly infuriating. But to really abuse the DMCA process in the most heartless, idiotic, disingenuous and fan-hating manner, we of course must bow before the masters over at Disney.
All of this started not that long ago, in a Walmart not particularly far away, when someone with a Facebook Star Wars fan group walked into... Читать дальше...
(ANSA) - ROMA, 10 DIC - Sono 8 gli azzurri convocati con la Nazionale Italiana Beach Rugby dal responsabile tecnico Roberta Giraudo per prendere parte il 19 dicembre a Rio de Janeiro, in Brasile, all'edizione 2015 del Super Desafio BRA Beach. Al quadrangolare prenderanno parte anche Portogallo, Argentina e Brasile. La formula del torneo prevede un girone all'italiana con partite di sola andata, a conclusione del quale sono in programma una finale per il terzo posto ed una finalissima.
Skarbnik Państwa Islamskiego, Abu Saleh, zginął w listopadzie podczas nalotu międzynarodowej koalicji. Poinformował o tym pełnomocnik amerykańskiego rządu do walki z dżihadystami, Brett McGurk.
Заключенные в тюрьмах Великобритании смогут получить в личное пользование планшеты iPad для самостоятельных занятий в рамках образовательного
Глава Открытой России Михаил Ходорковский ответил на обвинения Генпрокуратуры РФ, заподозрившей его в экстремизме. «Мне невольно стало жалко Путина. Никто не может сказать ему, что созданные им законы и практика их применения не позволяют сменить его власть законным путем, а значит им совершен антиконституционный переворот. Вы правду считаете экстремизмом? Мне вас жалко».
Hey, did you know that you can revive a spoiled wine by just dropping a penny into your glass? Well, at least according to the internet. The truth, though, is much more complicated.
Syfy’s three-part Childhood’s End adaptation, drawn from the Arthur C. Clarke novel, debuts Monday, December 14. We’ll have our review up tomorrow—but today, we’ve got an interview with musician and composer Charlie Clouser, who created the score for the highly anticipated miniseries.
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