GHENT, Belgium (Reuters) - Debutant Ghent became only the second Belgian side to advance to the Champions League knockout phase when they ended Zenit St Petersburg's 100 percent record in Group H with a dramatic 2-1 win on Wednesday.
Auf dem CDU-Bundesparteitag am Wochenende will Julia Klöckner, Landes- und Fraktionsvorsitzende der CDU Rheinland-Pfalz, für ein "Integrationspflichtgesetz" werben. Um Flüchtlinge in Deutschland integrieren zu können, müsse außerdem der Zustrom von Flüchtlingen gedrosselt werden.
Der FC Arsenal steht nach einem 3:0 bei Olympiakos doch noch im Achtelfinale der Champions League. Überraschend ist das auch KAA Gent gelungen.
Энрике Маркес, купивший винтовки, из которых Саид Фарук и его супруга Ташфин Малик устроили стрельбу в США, признался, что в 2012 году тоже планировал принять участие в теракте. Об этом сообщает ТАСС со ссылкой на CNN. РИА «Новости» называет фамилию Мартинес, хотя прежде неоднократно сообщалось, что мужчину, купившего винтовки зовут Маркес. «Мартинес рассказал, что они готовили атаку в Калифорнии в 2012 году, но затем отказались от плана», - передает CNN. Как отмечается в сообщении, это произошло потому... Читать дальше...
Enrique Alfaro informa que entrarán en vigor una vez que se publiquen en la Gaceta Municipal
WASHINGTON, Dec 9 (Reuters) - U.S. House appropriators introduced a short-term funding bill on Wednesday to keep the U.S. government running for an additional five days this month until Dec. 16 while lawmakers work on a longer-term funding measure, the Appropriations Committee said.
Dec 9 (Reuters) - French oilfield services company Technip is exploring a sale and has held talks with U.S. peer FMC Technologies Inc about a potential combination, according to people familiar with the matter on Wednesday.
Dec 9 (Reuters) - French oilfield services company Technip is exploring a sale and has held talks with U.S. peer FMC Technologies Inc about a potential combination, according to people familiar with the matter on Wednesday.
<P>O deputado Fausto Pinato (PRB-SP) anunciou nesta quarta-feira que pediu ao ministro da Justiça, José Eduardo Cardozo, que a Polícia Federal abra inquérito para investigar supostos crimes de ameaça que teria sofrido enquanto estava na relatoria do processo contra o presidente da Câmara, Eduardo Cunha (PMDB-RJ), no Conselho de Ética. </P> <P>Em entrevista coletiva poucas horas após ser destituído do cargo, Pinato voltou a relatar as ameaças que ele e familiares teriam sofrido e deu a entender que teria recebido... Читать дальше...
De utsatta EU-migranter, som tigger i Sverige, får inte det sociala stöd de har rätt till. Det hävdar organisationen Civil Rights Defnders i en ny rapport. Enligt organisationen har EU-migranter rätt till vård, socialt bistånd och skola.
A division bench of acting chief justice Iqbal Ahmed Ansari and Justice Chakradhari Saran Singh of Patna high court on Wednesday directed the principle secretary of health department to file a reply by January 18 in a PIL seeking closure of unauthorized and unrecognized diagnostic centres in the state.
REUTERS/Carlo Allegri
On Saturday, SantaCon, an all-day pub crawl where New Yorkers dress in Santa suits to allegedly celebrate the holiday season, will kick off in McCarren Park — the park that separates Williamsburg and Greenpoint.
Apparently the organizers of this drunken disasterfest got permits to be able to invade the neighborhoods best known for HBO's 'Girls' and black skinny jeans. Apparently they're allowed to be there, to drink there, to embarrass themselves there.
Fine. Читать дальше...
Congress might lift the ban on domestic oil exports, which comes at a time of heightened concern over letting Muslim oil into the country. A petition has forced the British Parliament to schedule a debate on whether to prohibit Donald Trump from the country, which is a shame because Trump would be so fun to watch at Prime Minister’s Questions. And a pair of conservative Republicans is trying to revoke John Boehner's post-speakership perks, though Boehner will be damned if anyone takes away his... Читать дальше...
(ANSA) - ROMA, 9 DIC - L'ultima giornata della fase a gironi di Champions League ridà fiato a Mourinho, qualificatosi agli ottavi con il suo Chelsea, insieme ad un'altra squadra inglese, l'Arsenal. Tra le migliori 16 d'Europa ci sono anche la Dinamo Kiev e il Gent. Si confronteranno con l'Europa League i greci dell'Olympiacos Pireo, il Porto e il Valencia.
В ходе церемонии открытия нового российского турофиса авиакомпания flydubai подписала соглашение о продвижении российского туристического потенциала на Ближнем Востоке
Buteur sur la pelouse de Valence (0-2) en Ligue des champions, Alexandre Lacazette est sorti dans la foulée, victime d'une blessure musculaire. L'atta...
Olivier Giroud a quasiment qualifié à lui tout seul Arsenal pour les huitièmes de finale, en inscrivant un triplé salvateur sur la pelouse de l'Olympi...
Fue 1-1, con goles de Leo y Chicharito Hernández; la próxima semana, los blaugrana disputarán el Mundial de Clubes
В Хабаровском крае суд вынес обвинительный приговор жителю села Князе-Волконское, который, находясь за рулем в пьяном виде, протащил остановившего его инспектора ДПС по дороге 45 метров. Мужчина приговорен к трем годам и десяти дням лишения свободы с отбыванием наказания в исправительной колонии общего режима.
LIGUE DES CHAMPIONS - Les Lyonnais ont gagné le match pour l’honneur à Valence (2-0)…
(Reuters) - A Javier Hernandez strike gave Bayer Leverkusen a 1-1 draw against Group E winners Barcelona but it was not enough for them to reach the Champions League last 16 on Wednesday.