Black pastors group meets with—but doesn't endorse—Donald Trump
Donald Trump had his “secret meeting” with a group of African-American pastors at his Trump Tower yesterday. Reports of the meeting provide a bare minimum of details. It appears that, at least on this issue and with this group, The Donald’s campaign has begun to learn some lessons: Don’t let out too much information too early in the game.
When asked by CNN what he thought about the meeting, Trump repeatedly used the word “amazing.” He also specifically mentioned the issue of unemployment among the African-American community. He did not, however, give any clues as to his proposals to solve the problem but stated that many ideas in the room were tossed about, and that the plan was to continue to work with the representatives in the room. You can see the video clip of that here.
The list of African-American pastors that have endorsed Trump has not been released. After the meeting one pastor—Darrell Scott of Ohio, who organized the meeting—spoke about his endorsement and his confidence in Trump. You can view that clip here.
When speaking of Donald Trump in New York, it just wouldn’t be New York without Al Sharpton weighing in on the matter. Sharpton, who appears not to have been invited to the meeting, questioned why African-American pastors would meet with Trump … as many other African Americans have done. Trump however, did not respond with his usual bombast:
“Deep down inside, Al likes me a lot,” Mr. Trump said in the interview. “That I can tell you … Al is doing his thing.”
Hmmm …