Manhattan: “F*** you Jews. I’ll kill you; I’m a Muslim.”
This isn't one of those "serious" Islamophobic incidents. Like the time a Muslim woman had trouble getting her Diet Coke on a plane. Or Ahmed and his magic clock. No, it's just a Muslim man screaming death threats at a Jewish man. And assaulting him. It happens in Europe all the time and no one except the Jews thinks twice about it. Because everyone knows the real problem is Islamophobia.
The manager of a Jewish bookstore on the Upper West Side of Manhattan was beaten up Monday afternoon by a self-declared Muslim man who threatened to kill him, New York Police Department officials told Jewish politics blog JP Updates.
Brooklyn native Salmon Salczer, 52, was inside West Side Judaica, when he saw a man pacing outside and peering into the store’s window. When Salczer approached the man to see what he wanted, the suspect punched him in the face repeatedly, while yelling, “F*** you Jews. I’ll kill you; I’m a Muslim.”
Maybe the ADL and the AJC and the Orthodox Union can take a break from demanding that tens of thousands of Syrian migrants come to this country to notice this minor little incident. But I doubt it.
This is what life is like for Jews in European cities where Muslims have settled down. As the number of Muslims living in New York City increases, so do the anti-Semitic attacks.
The media would be happy to cover this story if it were something important. Like a Muslim in New York complaining about his fear of a "backlash" over the Muslim massacre in Paris. Not something unimportant like more ordinary everyday Muslim anti-Semitism.