The Case for Chris Christie's Comeback
New JerÂsey Gov. Chris Christie ofÂfers a case study in the fuÂtilÂity of obÂsessÂing over polls at the exÂpense of everything else. If you just look at his naÂtionÂal and early-state numÂbers, which still hovÂer in the low single-diÂgits, it would be easy to conÂclude that he faces near-imÂpossible odds of winÂning the GOP’s presÂidÂenÂtial nomÂinÂaÂtion; by the former measÂure, he was left off the stage at the last ReÂpubÂlicÂan deÂbate. But after conÂsidÂerÂing the govÂernor’s straÂtegic disÂcipÂline—win New HampÂshire or else—and forÂtuÂitÂous mesÂsage foÂcused on...