Microsoft Employees Carol for Apple Store in Heart-Warming TV Commercial Truce (Video)
Although December just started, Microsoft may have already won the holiday competition for most touching TV commercial.
In the new video, Microsoft Store employees from across the country and a local New York City children’s youth choir march down Fifth Ave. to the famous 59th Street Apple Store near Central Park, where they sang a beautiful holiday carol to their main competitor in the tech space.
“Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me,” was both the lyrics and the message.
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Apple Store employees came out to enjoy the beautiful moment — marketing stunt or not. The carol and commercial ended with high fives, hugs, and tears — though that last action may have just been us.
“Spread harmony,” the commercial concluded.
We’ll see how long that lasts, when the holidays are not upon us and a new iPhone begins trickling out. But for now, watch the commercial above.