Jeb! Bush says Trump won't be president because 'He's not a serious person'
Pshaw, says fifth-place Republican presidential candidate Jeb! Bush. Leading Republican Donald Trump is going nowhere because:
“He’s not a serious person and therefore it’s hard to imagine him being president of the United States,” Bush said.
Trump and Ben Carson, another political outsider, have been leading in Iowa, but Bush suggested the way the pair have responded by the terrorist attacks in Paris may be a turning point.
“We have some candidates that are trying to get attention the wrong way,” Bush said. “We’re running for the presidency of the United States. It’s a serious job that requires serious candidates that offer serious plans.”
Carson was on the downswing anyway, but Trump is not suffering—and Bush is not rising—in post-Paris polling. But whatever. Jeb! Bush, in his infinite wisdom, finds it hard to imagine Trump as president. So let it be written, so let it be done?
Speaking of things written, Bush said that a new book reporting that his big brother, George W., had to tell him it was okay to say whatever he needed to say about Iraq, is “crap” and that as far as whether that conversation actually happened, “There’s no sources” in the book. Which is not the same as “no, the conversation didn’t happen.”