To Captain Kevin Obermeyer, CEO of the Pacific Pilotage Authority: Stop These Oil Tankers!
Letter to Captain Kevin Obermeyer, CEO of the Pacific Pilotage Authority, Responsible for all shipping plying the BC Coast
by Ingmar Lee - 10,000 Ton Tanker
Hello Kevin; I have written a short note to your new boss, federal Transport Minister Marc Garneau regarding the ever-growing swarm of USA ATB's and tow barges carrying petroleum products between Alaska and Washington via the entire BC Coast Inside Passage, but I recognize he will need some time to clear out all the Big Oil-lackey corruption that so previously defiled his office, so I am patiently awaiting a reply.
Hello Kevin; I have written a short note to your new boss, federal Transport Minister Marc Garneau regarding the ever-growing swarm of USA ATB's and tow barges carrying petroleum products between Alaska and Washington via the entire BC Coast Inside Passage, but I recognize he will need some time to clear out all the Big Oil-lackey corruption that so previously defiled his office, so I am patiently awaiting a reply.
Nevertheless I am hopeful that he will see the importance of getting this dangerous, risky traffic out of the Salish Sea, Johnstone and Hecate Straits, and the "protected" waterways of the Inside Passage, - and make it go out through Juan de Fuca and 20 miles offshore where it belongs with all the other tanker traffic.
I am hopeful that Transport Minister Garneau will see it as reasonable that this dangerous, risky, entirely American business, will upgrade their tanker fleet so that they may safely travel offshore to their Alaska customers and stop threatening these precious waters.