The Fish Rots From the Head in Chicago
PresÂidÂent Obama needs to mail Rahm Emanuel a dead fish in a box. HilÂlary ClinÂton should deÂlivÂer it. For the the inÂtegÂrity of the only party that repÂresÂents a vast maÂjorÂity of black voters, DemoÂcratÂic leadÂers everyÂwhere need to send the ChicaÂgo mayÂor a mesÂsage: You’re dead to us. A long-time lieuÂtenÂant for the ClinÂton famÂily and former chief of staff in the Obama White House, Emanuel nevÂer hesÂitÂated to muscle weak or disÂloyÂal DemoÂcrats out of power. It’s time to flip the script on the enÂforÂcer nickÂnamed “Rahmbo.”