U iva mhux xorta
Just days before the last general election a party candidate shared her frustration with me following a home visit.
"So I visited this home and the father said he and his entire family wouldn't vote for our party unless we cancel his unpaid traffic infringements fines - all €1,000 of them! He was even arrogant in his demands," the candidate recounted with a tone of frustration.
It's an old story which has lingered on since the Lorry Sant days. But now comes the worrying bit.
When I told the candidate that I hope she sent the crook flying and instructed him to take lessons in discipline, she replied: "No, I told him I will see what I can do to help. Of course I can't do anything to strike off his fines but I know this is what the other candidates are telling him.
For me the story is symptomatic of the State-sanctioned indiscipline which often renders our country into a banana republic.
It symbolises a nation which is prepared to go the extra mile to cut corners and break the rules knowing you can get away with it. Because the law-breakers know that most authorities are willing to turn a blind eye, that they don't want to upset the apple cart, and the law-abiding citizens are...