The grinch who stole Christmas jewels
That's the percentage of shares in Facebook that founder Mark Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla Chan say they will give away over their lifetimes. The current valuation of those shares is $45 billion. As the Wall Street Journal writes, the announcement coincides with the birth of their daughter, Maxima Chan Zuckerberg.
That's the approximate cost of a proposed football stadium to be built in St. Louis. Former Anheuser-Busch President Dave Peacock has led the charge to get the stadium built, arguing that without it, the city is in danger of losing the St. Louis Rams. But aldermen in the city are wary of the plan, especially since it won't be put up to a popular vote in spite of requiring 30 years of bond payments.
That's the size of Harvard's endowment fund. The school has a reputation to defend as the world's richest university. But in recent years, institutions like Yale and Stanford University have made gains through fundraising and investment. As Bloomberg writes, Harvard's poor performance led to a meeting of Harvard Business School alumni to debate how to resuscitate the fund's management.
That's the value of all of the jewels stolen by a thief in Santa Fe, New Mexico during the city's annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony. The male suspect took advantage of employees watching the festivities to steal from display cases. As Reuters writes, the police are looking for the man who took the jewelry during Friday's ceremony, as well as two other suspects who may have been involved in casing the store.