Do Body Armored People Wearing Masks with AK-47s Who Shoot & Kill 14 People at an Office Christmas Party Give a Damn About Common Sense Gun Laws? UPDATE
Within minutes of being informed of the shooting during an office Christmas party in San Bernardino, California which has claimed 14 lives, President Obama called for "common sense gun safety laws"?
Never mind that we don't know who the assailants are. Never mind that at least one of them might be still at large. Never mind that we don't know if the weapons in question were legally obtained. Does anyone honestly believe that men who are prepared to don masks, body armor storm an office Christmas party kill innocent people in cold blood give a damn about "common sense gun safety laws"? Such men are not in possession of common sense, much less decency.
President Obama can believe "this just doesn't happen" in other countries all he wants even as he said those words in Paris. Last I checked, France has more stringent gun control laws than we do. It didn't do very much for the concertgoers at the Bataclan or the staff at Charlie Hebdo. Whether it be in San Bernardino or Paris, evil respects no law.
UPDATE: Following a press conference, it has been revealed two assailants were killed following a confrontation with local police. One of those assailants was a women. A third suspect is in custody. Their identities have not been released.