Assistance for heirs of govt employees dying in service reduced
ISLAMABAD: The government has reduced by 52 to 70 per cent the assistance announced by the prime minister last year for families of government employees who die in service.
However, according to a notification issued on Thursday, the compensation for families of employees killed in security-related incidents will remain intact.
The Prime Minister Office had announced on October 22 last year a hefty package for families of employees dying in service with retrospective effect from June 15, 2013.
Take a look: Federal Govt gets cold feet on compensation policy
After a few disbursements, the finance ministry realised that the package would have a significant impact on the budget and stopped its implementation.
The package had promised that in case of in-service deaths of employees of grades 1-16 their families would be given an initial lump sum grant of Rs2.5 million, BS-17 Rs4m, BS-18 and 19 Rs8m and BS-20 and above Rs9m.
The fresh notification has reduced the grant by 75pc to Rs600,000 for grade 1-4 employees, by 64pc to Rs900,000 for grade 5-10, by 52pc to Rs1.2m for grade 11-15, by 40pc to Rs1.5m for grade 16, by 62.5pc to Rs1.5m for grade 17, by 70pc to Rs2.4m for grade 18-19 and by 66.66pc to Rs3m for grade 20 and above.
In case of security-related deaths, the amount has been kept unchanged at Rs3m for BS 1-16, at Rs5m for BS-17, at Rs9m for BS-18-19 and at Rs10m for BS-20 and above.
The package for those incapacitated or injured in encounters, bomb blasts, riots, incidents of terrorism or while performing watch and ward duty would also remain unchanged at Rs700,000 and Rs500,000 and the employees would remain in office.
The pension benefits, including accommodation, education and alternative employment for families of those dying in service have also been reduced. The families would get 100pc pension on the basis of last salary drawn, but without allowances previously allowed.
Education will be given at government expense to children of the deceased employees up to graduation, instead of entire higher education.
The government will continue to pay Rs800,000 for the marriage of one daughter of such an employee. Families of grade 1-8 employees will get Rs2m cash for purchase of a plot of land, grade 9-16 Rs5m and grade 17 and above Rs7m.
Heirs will be given employment in Grade 1-15 on contract for two years without advertising the post, instead of regular employment as promised earlier.
The government will provide a minimum monthly benevolent fund grant of Rs4,000 and maximum of Rs7,700 depending on pay slabs of the employees which has been reduced for security-related deaths from previously notified entitlement of Rs8,000 to Rs20,200. In both the cases, families will be allowed to retain government house or will continue to be paid rent for hired house till the age of superannuation.
Published in Dawn, December 4th, 2015